martes, 12 de diciembre de 2006

Eshkeri & Grau Solicitors - Business related services

Perhaps you already have business interests in Spain. Alternatively, you may be considering opening a business here, either on your own or with Spanish partners. Whether you want to renovate properties for resale, buy land for investment or development, or open a branch office of your company in Spain, at ESHKERI & GRAU and with the assistance of our trusted associates, we lead our clients through every stage of the business process, advising them on all pertinent legal, tax and commercial issues. Typically this will include advice and assistance regarding the following:

Company formation
Complying with regulations set by Hacienda, the Spanish internal revenue service
Registering a company with the Registro Mercantil (the equivalent of Companies House in the UK)
Complying with any other relevant local rules and regulations
Accounting and tax advice
Company secretarial services
Negotiating and drafting agreements such as employment contracts, joint venture agreements, sale and purchase agreements, sale of goods contracts, franchise agreements, etc
Purchase or rental of commercial premises
Handling payroll issues
Marketing and advertising (including website design and development)
Our clients have found that they have saved considerable time and money by taking advantage not only of our technical legal knowledge, but also of our diverse contacts throughout Spain and of our experience in and knowledge of the country and its business culture.

At Eshkeri & Grau we will be pleased to discuss with you your specific requirements.

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